Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2009

Delphi and Oracle ....

Next month I will make a training here in Germany about Delphi and Oracle.
Delphi Developers can choose between many databases on the market available, both commercial and freeware. Embarcadero offers InterBase and BlackfishSQL, both are really great. But in many discussions with customers we often hear that another database then the "house-database" isn't "good", the zero- or low-administration isn't an argument for them. The reason is usually that the administrative effort is very high when several databases are used on the network (backup, ressources, patch-installation, update). Oracle is very often used in big environments and then it's good when the developer can say: "Oracle database, no problem" ....
I will open the door to this database, explain the basics, what is different to smaller databases and what are good db-tools to connect and work with Oracle. Well, we have with the DatabaseGear-part of Embarcadero really great opportunities.
Perhaps we'll see us in Frankfurt in August, or in October in San Francisco on the OpenWorld2009-conference.