I moved in the last years from developing more and more to the IT-management and at the moment my position is CIO of an authority. But sometimes I miss developing in Delphi with Pascal (which I use more then 30 years in the meantime).
Well, the longest travel starts with a first step and I've installed Embarcadero Delphi XE5, Nevrona Rave 11.0.5 BEX (with 32- and 64-bit support and RaveScripting) and FastReport 4.15. For the important eDocument-possibilities I have installed the incredible powerful components from Gnostice (Thanks to Mani from gnostics for all the help of the gtRaveExp-components for 32- and 64-bit).
I've a good feeling about version XE5 after some hours of installation, looking around the new features (not mobileDevices or OS-X parts) and stability.
Especially FireDAC is a great decision from EMBT, have I mentioned that I use AnyDAC since 2008/09 on many of my C/S-applications. Meaning not new but more features included, things to learn for me.
Congrats to Marco and the whole team in Scotts Valley and the EMBT-offices around the world.
Now the system (Win7-64, XE5, Rave11, FastReport4, Gnostice eDocEngine and their new XtremeDocument Studio ) is ready for a start into a reporting-journey (again)....
In the next monthes I'll write here some articles about Delphi & reporting.
First I'll publish the Rave AddOn's for Rave 11 BEX and this reportengine in the new (?) unicode and 64-bit environment.
Then is on my blog-roadmap the component from Gnostice about digital document processing, PDF-area and the combination with report engines based on VCL.
After this I plan to look into FM and reporting with FastReport; I think an interesting adventure for a VCL-junkie since 1995, or ??
stay tuned and don't forget: things.take.time.