Montag, 30. April 2007

Oracle, Rave, Delphi and a lot of lakes

in the last few weeks I've made some Oracle, Rave- and Delphi-Trainings in Bavaria and Italy. I saw the beautiful Ammersee on an Oracle-Training, one week later the Chiemsee (both in south bavaria) on an Oracle-Workshop and then I changed through the Brenner and Lago Magiore to Piacenza in Italy, where I made a Rave-Workshop at Marco Cantu's Company WinTech.
on the evening I go with Marco to a local restaurant and learned a great dish: "pisarei e faso". pasta and beans and cheese, delicious!
After this workshop I visit the Comer Lake and some other not so well-known lakes and made a special Delphi-Oracle-Training with interesting contents (but I have a NDA.... )
Over 2.500 km with my Quattro in this timeframe and I've learned a lot of smart and nice guys in all of this location..... thanks to all and cu sometimes somewhere again!

Montag, 9. April 2007

Rave BEX 7.05 is available

After a long time of waiting Nevrona Designs have published the 7.05 version of Rave SE and Rave BEX. Beside a lot of small changes and fixes there are two interesting features now included:

They have added RenderBitmap/RenderJPEG/RenderMetafile components and the ability to compile scripting from Delphi code.

The rendercomponents works like the well known html- and pdf-components, of course. The compile scripting is really cool. To compile code that is already there it's as simple as calling RvProject1.ProjMan.Compile.
I'll prepare a first-step tutorial about Rave Scripting in the next few month and publish it on the stay tuned!